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  • Implementing Soft Delete With EF Core

Implementing Soft Delete With EF Core

A soft delete is a data persistence strategy that prevents the permanent deletion

Implementing Soft Delete With EF Core
6 minutes by Milan Jovanoviฤ‡

A soft delete is a data persistence strategy that prevents the permanent deletion of records from your database. Today, we'll dive into the details of how to implement soft deletes using EF Core.

With the help of Sentry and OpenTelemetry, you can track errors, monitor performance, and capture metrics of your .NET Aspire apps in development and production. Learn how to wire it up today in our latest blog post.

This post describes why I prefer using in-memory test doubles over mocking frameworks for all but the simplest of scenarios in unit tests. The examples are in C# and use NSubstitute as the mocking framework, and FluentAssertions for the asserts, but the idea applies to other languages and mocking frameworks.

Source Code Disclosure in ASP.NET apps
6 minutes by Arseniy Sharoglazov

Recently, I came across an interesting ASP.NET application. It appeared to be secure, but it accidentally revealed its source code. Later, I found out that the used method is applicable to disclose code of many other .NET web applications.

Introducing .NET Smart Components, a set of genuinely useful AI-powered UI components that you can quickly and easily add to .NET apps.

This post shows how to automatically generate .NET secrets that a .NET app can use from the Azure deployment.

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