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  • Unleashing Concurrent Threads for Database Health Checks

Unleashing Concurrent Threads for Database Health Checks

#483 – December 04, 2023

In the realm of database health checks, performance and concurrency are paramount. As databases grow and applications scale, the need to efficiently test the health of a database connection becomes crucial. This article takes you through a step-by-step journey of implementing a high-performance, concurrent database health check in C#.

Microsoft’s vision of the next era .NET 8 platform becomes a reality in November 2023 and with that comes so much goodness for the developer community. Join the webinar and get up to date with all the hot news in the .NET world.

Native AOT is an exciting new way to publish your .NET applications. Over the years we heard feedback from .NET developers who wanted their apps to start faster, use less memory, and have smaller on disk size than traditional self-contained apps built with .NET.

Quick tip to add any environment variable to your .NET Aspire service and make the app model aware of it.

Building resilient apps is a fundamental requirement for cloud development. With .NET 8, we’ve made substantial advancements to simplify the integration of resilience into your applications.

While a lot of the experiences being built for Aspire have limited value for larger distributed systems, I think this is an excellent example of how we can use some of the low-level features of the Aspire stack to build useful tools for other use-cases.
